Why You Won't Want To Come

These experiences challenge something within us. Even as you’re reading about it, you’re probably thinking that you don’t need to come out on a trip. You already know all this stuff anyway, except for that weird stuff I read. That can’t be right. But I know a bunch of people who could use this type of thing. Me, I’m good! That, my friend, is your ego speaking. And it’s going to fight you the whole way up to, and through, your time with us.  

It’s fighting you on this because of one simple reason, these experiences are a threat to it. In some ways, it’s a threat to who you are. The Ego is scared that you’re going to discover something that will change a significant piece of the way you see the world. You’re intentionally taking control away from your ego, which allows your soul, the interconnected part of yourself, to step forward in your consciousness. 

It might help to understand what I call the Ego and the Soul, detailed in this post.